
Applications will proceed to interview stage once ALL documents have been submitted.

  • To avoid delay, please submit a complete pack (we are unable to process partial applications). 
  • Documents may be submitted to the College Reception or scanned and e-mailed to [email protected].
  • Pages 8-10 of the Application Form must be completed by hand, in ink. E-signatures will NOT be accepted.  
  • DO NOT submit original documents like birth certificates or passports (photocopies are accepted).
  • ÐãÉ«Ö±²¥’s College will NOT accept responsibility for loss, damage or return of these documents.

Please click on the links below for important information. Please note: items 2–5 MUST be submitted to the College at time of application.

For any queries, please contact our ÐãÉ«Ö±²¥ment Manager, Mrs Sarah Lindsay.