
According to the Integration Agreement:  The school is a Roman Catholic School in which the whole school community, through the general school programme and in its religious instructions and observances, exercises the right to live and teach the values of Jesus Christ. These values are as expressed in the Scriptures and in the practices, worship and doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, as determined from time to time by the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese.

ÐãÉ«Ö±²¥ling at ÐãÉ«Ö±²¥'s College means understanding the commitment to supporting the Catholic character of the College. 

All staff, students and families whether Catholic or not, are part of the whole school community and are expected to use his or her specific strengths and skills to support the Catholic character of the school. 

The Religious Education programme is an integral (and compulsory) part of the curriculum. The principles, truths and ethics of this programme permeate the whole life of the school. 

The Special Character of the school is evident in the daily life of the school, the daily recital of the school prayer and song, celebration of Masses and Feast Days in the Catholic calendar, the Sacramental Programme. 

The College runs retreats for all year levels, which are a compulsory event, to encourage students to deepen their relationship with God and understand their value as a child of God. 

ÐãÉ«Ö±²¥'s College builds tomorrows men today - we build a culture of service to the school and the community.

College Masses & Liturgies

The College celebrates Masses & Liturgies throughout the year in line with the Catholic Calendar. All students are expected to participate in these without exception. 

Our Inaugural Mass is usually celebrated at the beginning of the Academic year and is a whole school event. 

All families are expected to attend. 

The main Feast Day is our Founder's Feast Day - St Marcellin Champagnat on 6 June. Others include the Feast of the Assumption (Marian Feast) on 15 August, Father's Day Mass and Grandparents Liturgy.